Örn er byggingaverkfræðingur með sérhæfingu í sjálfbærni bygginga og þá sérstaklega gagnvart dagsbirtuhönnun. Örn hefur einnig tileinkað sér umsjón og ráðgjöf varðandi upplýsingalíkön mannvirkja (BIM).
Örn stundaði nám við Háskóla Íslands og Konunglega Tækniháskólann í Stokkhólmi (KTH) þaðan sem hann útskrifaðist með mastersgráðu í byggingarverkfræði (e. M.Sc. Architectural Engineering).
Þegar Örn er ekki í vinnunni að greina dagsbirtu eða annað líkt tileinkar hann tímanum sínum ljósmyndun eða einhverskonar útivist en það eru hans helstu áhugamál.
Scope: Electrical and lighting design, daylight analysis and BIM management
Project type: Healthcare
Location: Árborg, Iceland
Year: 2018 - 2019
Size: 4.100 sq. m
Client: Velferðarráðuneytið / Árborg municipality / FSRE
Status: Completed
Architectural design: Urban / Loop
Engineering: Verkfræðistofa Reykjavíkur
Landscape architects: Hornsteinar
Breeam assessor: Efla
General contractor: Eykt
Photography: Courtesy of Urban architects and Loop Architects
Hjúkrunarheimilið Árborg is and elderly care home located in south Iceland. The intention of the architectural design is to form a homey atmosphere with an emphasis on the building occupants and their well being.
Therefore, the lighting goal is to provide health improvement and a sense of well-being to residents, but also to optimize the performance of the medical staff. Meanwhile, to provide the staff with a pleasant experience during and after the working hours, by reducing the clinical feeling and creating a more homey environment through the application of biologically effective lighting solutions.
The design approach follows the criteria and requirements of environmental classification system BREEAM. The project aims to achieve a rating of 'Very Good'.
Read more here.